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Habitantes de Europa


The Third Overview of Housing Exclusion in Europe 2018

Since 2015, FEANTSA and the Fondation Abbé Pierre have released a yearly Overview of Housing Exclusion in Europe. These annual reports look at the latest Eurostat data (EU-SILC) and assess EU countries' capacity to adequately house their populations.

Roma, Todos somos Venezuela - Sabato 7 aprile ore 15:30 - Via tor de’ schiavi,101

Sabato 7 aprile, alle ore 15:30, si svolgerà a Roma, in Via Tor De' Schiavi 101, una iniziativa dedicata al Venezuela, paese sotto embargo.

Housing and Property Markets in Russia in 2017 and Resultant Struggles - a Short Review

The general economic and political situation in Russia has made its impact upon the Russian housing and property markets, and hence, on all the others factors, including the ongoing struggle and forced evictions.

Youth Homeless Organisations Across Europe Call for Action to End Youth Homelessness on Human Rights Day

Today on Human Rights Day, FEANTSA Youth is leading a coordinated action, along with youth, housing and human rights organisations from all over Europe, to draw attention to the growing problem of youth homelessness and housing exclusion in the EU.

Tres T de lucha en el tercer encuentro mundial de Movimientos Sociales con el Papa Francisco (Roma, 02-05/11/2016)

Alrededor de 200 representantes de los movimientos sociales y redes de 67 países de todo el mundo estuvieron reunidos para presentar la experiencia de su organización de base y la lucha constante por el bienestar de las comunidades y la defensa de sus derechos.Las propuestas de AIH que también afectan a las responsabilidades de la iglesia católica en el sector inmobiliario, fueron presentadas al Papa Francisco frente a más de 3300 personas.

European Cities Called on to Sign the Homeless Bill of Rights

The Homeless Bill of Rights  is an initiative of Housing Rights Watch  and FEANTSA  to recognize and protect the rights of homeless people. In a climate where cities, regions and even some countries are using the criminal and administrative justice systems to minimise the visibility of people experiencing homelessness and punish those who engage in life-sustaining or natural human activities in public spaces, we are calling on European cities to adopt a rights-based approach to homelessness.

France, Encadrement des loyers : il y péril en la demeure des locataires

COMMUNIQUE Paris le 28 novembre 2017 Censure de l’encadrement des loyers à Paris : Une nouvelle régression pour les locataires Généralisation et respect de l’encadrement des loyers ! Baisse des loyers !

Release of Second Overview of Housing Exclusion in Europe

FEANTSA and the Fondation Abbé Pierre released the Second Overview of Housing Exclusion in Europe  in a seminar at the European Parliament 22 March 2017. The Overview  is the culmination of detailed analysis of EU SILC data, from which has been drawn a range of indicators of housing exclusion.

Italia, 10 ottobre sfratti zero

10 ottobre 2017 e dintorni VI Giornata Nazionale Sfratti ZeroIniziative aggiornate al 28 settembre 2017 ore 16.00

Llamado para las Jornadas Europeas de los movimientos para la proteccion del territorio, la justicia ambiental y la democracia (Venecia, 23-24 septiembre 2017)

Venezia es, desde hace mas de mil años, la ciudad simbolo de equilibrio entre humanos y naturaleza, piedra y agua, ciudad y mar laguna.Este fràgil equilibrio està seriamente amenazado por la màquina del turismo excesivo y sin control alguno, entre ellos las grandes naves de cruceros que son la peor expresiòn: naves sobredimensionadas, peligrosas y contaminantes para la fragilidad de ésta ciudad que es patrimonio de la Unesco, sìmbolos flotantes de la arrogancia de las multinacionales y de la corrupciòn de una clase politica arrodillada y obligada a defender los intereses econòmicos privados a expensas del bien comùn.