Habitantes de Europa
Solidaridad internacional con las poblaciones víctimas del terremoto en Italia
Agradecemos la solidaridad que está llegando desde varios países y organizaciones de todo el mundo. Estamos haciendola llegar a nuestros camaradas de la Unione Inquilini de las zonas afectadas.
Moscow: protest against mass evictions of tenants
Single Pickets held on Tverskaya Street by the Tenants. They insist that thousand of tenants have had their housing simply taken away from them. Thousand medical personnel, teachers and aviation engineers and construction workers are being evicted all over Moscow.
In Moscow evictions of tenants at Stavropolskaya street suspended for ten days
In the early morning time, at about 6 a.m., on July, 11, 2016, as it had been promised, the tenants of the dormitory located in Stavropolskaya street, 17, Moscow saw court marshals and a riot police squad.
All these agents wearing militarized uniforms of all types, having helmets and carrying arms, were met by the house tenants who had gathered together at the entrance.
A TV crew and journalists were also there.
Support the City Plaza Refugee Accommodation and Solidarity Center in Athens, Greece
The City Plaza is a self-organized housing project for homeless refugees in the center of Athens that accommodates 400 people, among them 180 children. City Plaza is a 7-floor abandoned Hotel, which had remained unused for 7 years until it was squatted by activists and refugees in late April 2016.
City Plaza Refugee Accommodation Center emerged as a practical response to the repressive migration and border policies in Greece, the EU-Turkey Deal and the militarization of the borders. It is an answer from the social movements to the entrapment of tens of thousands of refugees in the Greek mainland, the mass detention of refugees in the border regions and the disastrous living conditions for homeless refugees in the cities and the huge, state-run camps.
Amsterdam, Housing protests at the EU urban ministers' meeting
Housing organisers from across Europe are coming together this weekend to protest against the adoption of the EU Urban Agenda by the 23 Housing Ministers of Europe in Amsterdam. A series of actions were planned by the European Action Coalition for the Right to Housing and to the City
, a network of groups fighting for housing justice across the continent.
Arrests of dormitory tenants in Moscow
On May, 18, 2016, a group of dormitory tenants in Moscow intended to get together in front of the Russian government office.
The people wanted to unfurl posters and billboards on the doorsteps for top officials who normally enter the governmental offices to get their attention attracted to the problem of grave violations of the housing rights of dormitory tenants in Moscow.
Córdoba y Huelva acogerán la primera sesión del Tribunal Internacional de Desalojos en 2016
Desahucio Corrala Utopía, Sevilla
#llamadodesalojoandalusia2016 El Comité Internacional del Tribunal Internacional sobre Desalojos y el Comité Organizador de Córdoba y Huelva del Tribunal Internacional sobre Desalojos, representado por el Laboratorio Jurídico sobre Desahucios de la Universidad de Córdoba, han firmado un convenio para organizar una sesión regional del TID en las ciudades de Córdoba (17 de mayo) y Huelva (18 de mayo).PUEDEN ENVIAR SU CASO A:
o rellenar el formulario online
antes del 15 de mayo
Repensar Bonpastor. Tejiendo historias urbanas de Barcelona desde el umbral de las Casas Baratas
Hola! Os escribimos para daros una noticia que nos llena de alegría. Por fin podemos presentaros y compartir con todas vosotras el libro que recoge el proceso del concurso de ideas Repensar Bonpastor.
Catalunya: cacerolada lunes 18 de abril a las 18.30h ante las sedes del PP
Este lunes 18 de abril a las 18.30h salimos a la calle en todo el estado para defender la Ley de emergencia habitacional y contra la pobreza energética
. En Barcelona
, la convocatoria tiene que ser masiva y será a las 18.30h en la calle del Comte d'Urgell
, 249. Apoyo total de la Alianza Internacional de los Habitantes.
El martes 5 de abril a las 11:00, las PAHs Catalanas hemos invadido la oficina de CatalunyaCaixa, de C/Muntaner nº33 de Barcelona. La acción se enmarca en una campaña global en defensa de las familias afectadas por el fondo buitre Blackstone, la cual ya cuenta con hasta tres acciones internacionales
a sus espaldas con la férrea convicción de que ganaremos.