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Istanbul, Exchange seminar: How people face evictions

An exchange seminar will take place in Istanbul, Turkey in February 2010, bringing together community leaders and activists representing struggles against forced evictions from the Dominican Republic (Santo Domingo), Brazil (Porto Alegre), Argentina (Buenos Aires), Pakistan (Karachi), China (Huangzhou), Turkey (Istanbul) and Egypt. The four-day exchange will be hosted by the Housing Rights Coordination in Turkey.

Coordinated by the Development Planning Unit (DPU), University College London, with the support of BSHF, this is part of an ongoing research project on how people face evictions in different parts of the world.

With the dramatic increase in communities and families being forcibly evicted from their homes and land around the world, there is an ever-growing need to examine and learn from initiatives and strategies of resistance that have successfully addressed these issues. The UN Advisory Group on Forced Evictions has highlighted the fact that people-led movements are a fundamental ingredient for successful solutions to forced evictions and this project aims to document, reflect upon and share people-based initiatives and experiences of struggles against evictions, giving voice to people who are active on the ground.

For further information or to receive a copy of the written report once it is completed, please contact Prof. Yves Cabannes, Chair of Development Planning UCL/DPU and coordinator of the project, at y.cabannes@ucl.ac.uk or BSHF at bshf@bshf.org.

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DPU , evictions , inhabitants , Seminar