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Sistematization towards the World Assembly of Inhabitants

The Bobigny 14 October workshop focused on “sistematization” (or “documentation+”) activities in relation to the World Assembly of Inhabitants process.

Among the themes to be addressed in Dakar in February 2011 participants suggested:

  • Haiti
  • Leaders/activists perspectives/stories
  • How to face evictions

Participants also suggested a range of working methods:

  • The common format provided by Yves Cabannes in order to collect and share “How to face evictions” narratives.
  • Guerrilla photo exhibitions: Joseph Jones brought along and introduced participants to a very effective example of it.
  • Common forms/template to collect written stories as provided by the Coredem/DPH database
  • Timeline: an activity suggested by Alessio Surian; it could also be an opportunity to renew the collaboration with Museu da Pessoa and to reflect upon the recent series of 7’video-interviews produced by Upu at the occasion of the World Urban Forum and European Social Forum events.
  • Arts and activism workshop
  • Collective visits to people resisting evictions, for example in Refisc, Ngor, Gwedawaye
  • Discussing ICT, reflecting upon the antennas and UPU www.habitants.org sections.

The workshop provided an opportunity for sharing experienc es from the recent UPU events: 30-31 July 2010 in Cuetzalan, Puebla, Mexico in collaboration with Union de Cooperativas Tozepan and in Lima in August 2010 where Fovelic and Cenca hosted participants from Fedevi and the University of Buenos Aires. Updates were also provided from Dominican Republic, France, Russia, Senegal, Thailand, Venezuela, UK, USA, Zimbabwe.

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