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Asia: Do not keep silent, communicate your case of eviction by May 15th 2016

Do not keep silent: communicate your case of eviction by May 15th 2016!

CandyBird, Hua-Kuang Community, Taipei City

#‎callevictionsasia2016  In order to tackle on the prevailing threats to our common habitats. International Solidarity is calling for cases of evictions from Northeast and Southeast Asian regions until May 15th, 2016. The cases will be judged by the East Asian Tribunal on Evictions (Taipei, 1-4 July 2016), the first regional cooperative step towards the 5th International Tribunal on Evictions, which will be carried out in the framework of the People's Social Forum alternative to the UN Conference Habitat III (Quito, October 2016).

In recent decades, many of us have witnessed and experienced the relentless moves in urbanisation, (re)development projects, the mega-infrastructural projects, and an underlying trend that many municipal governement and household are deepening their debts relations under the leveraging by financial corporate investors and financial institutions across Asia. To cite a few examples of the human-induced threats to habitats and large-scale evictions in Asia: The ecological threats brought by the mega infrastructure projects. Such as U.S. bases in Okinawa and Jeju islands, the mega-dam project of Baram River in Sarawak, Malaysia; the ongoing post-nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan, and the aeropolis project in Taoyuan, Taiwan; and the mega events in the previous Seoul 1988, Beijing 2008, and the upcoming Tokyo 2020.

Do not keep silent: communicate your case of eviction by May 15th 2016!

“NO Eviction, WANT Resettlement!” Yielded the former residents from Hua-Kuang Community, Taipei, Taiwan

In the citywide scales, many residents of these makeshift homes now are encountering daily-based evictions from cities in China, Hong Kong (SAR), Taiwan, the Philippines, to Indonesia. From 2009 Yong San Incidents in Seoul, South Korea to the 2016 Barangay San Roque incident in Talisay, the Philippines, the evictions that caused fatal incidents were, however, so far did not take into serious consideration in the preliminary setting of the upcoming UN-Habitat III agenda. The cases illustrated above, are just tip of the iceberg that signifies the other side of stories behind the rapid urban growth in Southeast and Northeast Asia today. However, none of the Asian governments have yet provided any official statistics regarding the forced evictions.

In order to tackle on the prevailing threats to our common habitats, the international Solidarity is calling for cases of evictions from Northeast and Southeast Asian regions until May 15th, 2016. The cases will be judged by the East Asian Tribunal on Evictions (Taipei, 1-4 July 2016). It is the first regional cooperative step towards the 5th International Tribunal on Evictions, which will be carried out in the framework of the People's Social Forum alternative to the UN Conference Habitat III (Quito, October 2016).

All the people, inhabitants and civil society organizations are invited to submit online cases of evictions on issues ranging from rights to habitat, to adequate housing and living in dignity.

Do not keep silent: communicate your case of eviction by May 15th 2016!

“Say No to Forced Eviction”, a cross-housing network press conference in front of Executive Yuan, Taiwan

Habitat III will be a decisive step to the global agenda of urban and habitat environment for the next two decades. However, despite the scandal of dozen of millions of people of all ages under evictions worldwide, one cannot find any concrete mentions nor measures to adress those violations on the new UN Urban Agenda on debate.

As such, the 5th International Tribunal on Evictions will be the key event for the evictees voicing out and empower their struggles worldwide. In this sense, East Asian International Tribunal of Eviction will be the first regional cooperation with the International Tribunal of Evictions.

The ITE: the right place for the evictees voicing out and empowerment worldwide

The International Tribunal on Evictions  (ITE) had held in Geneva and Milan for the four years in a row as the key event of the World Zero Evictions Days coordinated every October by the International Alliance of Inhabitants, together local and international organisations like Amnesty International. The primary objective for ITE is for people who suffered from evictions voice out through the critical opinion tribunal. It aims to shape public debates on the actual situations of rights to adequate housing in different places and support struggles and proposals for address those violations.

The ITE-EAA: the right place for the evictees voicing out and empowerment at reginal level

The East Asian International Tribunal on Evictions (ITE-EA) will be held in Taipei, Taiwan from July 1st to 4th 2016. During the public four-day event, based upon investigation, on-site visits and the statement of stakeholders, the Jury of East Asian International Tribunal on Evictions will raise the Concluding Observations and Recommendations. The composition of Jury will include the convenor and member for former UN Habitat Advisory Group on Forced Evictions, experts, concerned scholars and representatives from international/local organizations on human rights and forced evictions. In advance, the Recommendation will further be delivering to related government authorities with the follow-up actions.

>>>   Do not keep silent: Fill the form online to communicate your case of eviction by May 15 th  2016!


Member organisations/ Consultants of Steering Committee of East Asian International Tribunal of Eviction

Currently, the organiser of East Asian International Tribunal on Evictions is composed by civil organisations and activists from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and South Korea. As a member of International Alliance of Inhabitants (IAI), the cross-groups network Taiwan Alliance of Anti-Forced Eviction together with organisations work on rights to adequate housing and habitat, and judicial reforms composed the ‘Steering Committee of East Asian International Tribunal of Eviction’.

Taiwan Alliance of Anti-Forced Eviction, Primordial Law Firm, Environmental Jurists Association, EJA, Taiwan Association for Human Rights, Shaoxing Community Self-Help Association, NTU student activist group Shaoxing Program, Huaguang Community Concerned Group, Working Poor Unite, Southern Railway Youth, Taoyuan Aeropolis Anti-Eviction Alliance, Taiwan Rural Front, Losheng Self-Help Association, Youth Alliance for Losheng, Yi-Shiang Shih (Taiwan Association for Human Rights); Shaina Wang (Taoyuan Aeropolis Anti-Eviction Alliance); Wonho Lee (Korean Network on Rights to Housing Movement); Chen Yun-Chung (Land Justice League, Hong Kong).

Press Contacts :

Hungying Chen chy7211@gmail.com  +44-75-4241-0766

Huiyu Huang pamelahuiyu@gmail.com  +886 986-332-708

Chinese version

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