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Dignity International: Enter the Campaign Identity Contest

Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action (India), the Four Slum Regional Network (Thailand), the Nairobi People’s Settlement Network (NPSN), Ekta Parishad (India), Union National dos Moradias Popular (Brazil), the European Anti Poverty Network, the International Alliance of Inhabitants, and Dignity International are preparing to launch a campaign on “Dignity for All” in October 2009.
The Campaign will focus on pushing governments to respect, protect and fulfill the rights of people in urban and rural areas whose realities are currently being ignored by the state. These are people, families and communities that are either not taken into account by public policy or deliberately under attack by state or non state actors with the support of the state.
This contest is for a campaign name and/or logo. The contest is open to anyone who would like to participate. Deadline for entries: 12/06/2009

Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action (India), the Four Slum Regional Network (Thailand), the Nairobi People’s Settlement Network (NPSN), Ekta Parishad (India), Union National dos Moradias Popular (Brazil), the European Anti Poverty Network, the International Alliance of Inhabitants, and Dignity International are preparing to launch a campaign on Dignity for all in October 2009.
The campaign will focus on pushing governments to respect, protect and fulfill the rights of people in urban and rural areas whose realities are currently being ignored by the state. These are people, families and communities that are either not taken into account by public policy or deliberately under attack by state or non state actors with the support of the state. The specificities of each community may differ from country to country, but for the most part they are:
• Landless farmers
• Communities in informal or “illegal” settlements
• Forest dwellers and workers
• Displaced communities
• People unable to access basic social services
• People in the informal economy, with precarious work
• Homeless people
• Undocumented people
• Roma, gypsies and travelers
• People with very low income
• Discrimination is the underlined cause of violation for these groups.
Because they are poor, considered illegal, or occupying land illegally, because they do not fit in the state’s structure of life and work, they are systematically ignored or persecuted. This campaign is thus going to call attention to these groups and the violations they are victims of as a result of their way of life, and socio economic status.

1. The contest is open to anyone who would like to participate.
2. This contest is for a campaign name and/or logo .
3. The logo must be powerful, representative of these communities, unifying and targets both the international community and national government.
4. The name must be broad enough to encourage participation of a variety of stakeholders, yet specific enough to bring these communities in focus.
5. The logo and the name will be considered separately.
6. Format: All entries for logo should be sent in a JPG OR jpg format

1. Entries should be sent to valerie@dignityinternational.org
2. All entries must be received by June 12th 2009.
3. The campaign coordination committee will make an initial shortlist of entries that best capture the concept of the campaign.
4. All shortlisted entries will be posted on the Dignity International website at www.dignityinternational.org
5. Constituencies from the different participating organizations will be voting for the final choice of Name and Logo.
6. The author of the winning entry will be invited to participate in the launch of the campaign in October 2009.
7. No monetary award will be given to the winner of the contest.
For more information contact Valérie