USA: Fact sheet on proposed cuts in the Republican-backed congressional bill
Please see this incredibly important fact sheet from Paul Boden of WRAP! It consolidates all the proposed cuts in the Republican-backed congressional bill and amply shows the line in the sand we are facing. This is what we need to build the broadest possible coalition.
And in case you think the Democrats are going to save us, consider that the Obama proposal is not a whole lot better, despite the rhetoric about protecting the “most vulnerable.” Having drawn his line about six inches on the other side of the Republicans’, Obama has made it clear that we’re now faced with being disemboweled or decapitated. Take your pick—or let’s organize for a real choice we can believe in.
For the right to housing—no exceptions!—and for ending the war on the poor once and for all!
Mary Bricker-Jenkins, Interim Convener USA-Canada Alliance of Inhabitants (USCAI)