Home » La Via Urbana » Jornada de Movilización Global FSM, 26 de Enero de 2008 » Iniciativas » United States: American Friends Service Committee

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United States: American Friends Service Committee

American Friends Service Committee
Su lengua preferida:
editorial staff
Su país de residencia:
United States
Describa brevemente cual iniciativa proponen y la envergadura geográfica de la acción:
Leaders United Against Homelessness
2008, Januar 26 - 11:00am
In the wake of the devestating Hurricane Katrina and the levee breaks New Orleans homeless population has sky rocketed. We will provide a meal and hygiene kits to the homeless community residing under the I-10 overpass (Claiborne Street) at Canal Street this Saturday, January 26, 2008 between 11:00 am and noon.
Los reclamos y las propuestas para las Jornada de Mobilizacion Global en su territorio/en su pais:
American Friends Service Committee is spearheading this event in conjunction with several other grassroots organizations in this community. We’ll be talking with those experiencing homelessness (many are working poor and families) and listening for how this community can help to relieve their plight. We invite the entire community to come support this population as we head into the revelry and excesses of Carnival (Mardi Gras) season. Let’s not forget the “least of these” among us!
Dirección completa donde se desarrolla la acción (calle, numero, ciudad, pais) para introducirla en el mapa interactivo: