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From Copenhagen and Cochabamba to Cancun and Beyond: for Climate Justice and Real Solutions

With the debate on climate change gaining new momentum - starting with the dissemination of the IPCC report, the Bali conferences, Copenhagen and the People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth in Cochabamba, we, social movements and organizations, together with international networks, have been constructing a set of popular initiatives that aim to strengthen the global movement for climate justice.

These initiatives share – taking into account the many diverse realities– the same strategic perspective. To confront the grave global climate crisis, it is necessary to make profound changes, abandon the false solutions that will only worsen the problem and put the rights of the people and nature at the centre of this debate.

We believe it is necessary to change the prevailing system of production and consumption, which is based on an unjust and exclusive development model that has a predatory relationship towards nature, and move towards new ways of living based on social, environmental and climate justice.

For us, real solutions to global warming must effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ensure compensation for the climate debt the industrialized North has accumulated in the South. The real solutions are climate, environmental and social justice, respect for human rights and people’s self-determination, food sovereignty, recuperation of land and land reform, indigenous agriculture and people’s integration and solidarity.

We are fighting for the recognition of common, but differentiated responsibilities and commitments for both emission cuts and assuming adaptation and mitagation costs. We fight for a just transition process, based on climate, environmental, social and gender justice, towards a new model that guarantees decent work, the creation of good jobs and the respect of workers’ rights. We fight to defend the right to water and the democratic, social and community management of water that helps to halt the climate crisis. We fight for land reform and the promotion of local indigenous and peasant farming that has proven it is able to produce in harmony with nature and contribute to the cooling of the planet.

In the face of the weak and problematic “Copenhagen Agreement”, we, the people, are committed to the construction and deepening of the “People’s Agreement”. We consider the People’s Agreement reached at the Cochabamba Summit to be our starting point, which must be deepened and debated in the same way it was constructed - that is, through debate with and proposals from the people, and social movements and organizations.

The mobilizations, forums, debates, meetings and activities that will be organized by social networks and organizations in Cancun, Mexico parallel to and within the COP 16 will mark a key moment in the process of accumulating experience and knowledge, and strengthening the global movement for climate justice.

We call on everyone to:

Promote a broad global exchange of visions and perspectives to continue the debates held in Cochabamba and that will extend beyond Cancun, and to build from below the people's measures and concrete demands that must be adopted to reverse the climate crisis and advance towards climate justice.

Mobilize to Cancun and throughout the world to reject the profit, lobby and commodification strategies used by the transnational companies, banks and those with financial interests, governments of industrialized countries and their financial institutions in order to continue to avoid their historic responsibilities.

Support and promote decentralized mobilizations around the world, like those of the Via Campesina’s call for “Thousands of Cancuns for Climate Justice.”

Unmask the false solutions to climate change and accuse those responsible for them by providing testimonies, evidence and concrete proof of the negative impacts at the global level of carbon markets, genetically modified organisms, agrofuels, geo-engineering, nuclear energy, carbon capturing and storage, “Clean Development Mechanisms” and the current REDD projects, which are being promoted but do not address the real needs of the people.

Force the World Bank and its regional and international financial bodies out of all plans for managing and financing efforts to address climate change and the global environmental crisis, as it is one of the primary agencies responsible for current disasters and for imposing an exclusive, predatory development model and financial and political conditionalities on many impoverished countries.

As Part of a Global Action Strategy, we propose:

Holding a global day of action on October 8th around the demand for the “World Bank Out of Climate Issues!” in parallel to the beginning of the annual meeting of this agency, which is responsible for multiple political disasters impacting people, and as a part of the “Global Week of Action Against Debt and International Financial Institutions”, from October 7th to 17th.

Participating and supporting mobilizations called by TUCA, ITUC and trade union centrals on October 7th, the World Day for Decent Work.

Mobilizing on October 12th in various parts of the world to hold a Global Minga in Defense of Mother Earth and for Climatic and Environmental Justice.

Carrying out a global common day of actions on November 29, the day the COP 16 begins in Cancun.

Organizing mobilizations and actions during the next G20 meeting, at a global level and in Seoul where the summit will be held and in which climate change issues will be central, in order to create a bridge “from Seoul to Cancun” to make the link between actions and demands promoted there.

Organizing mobilizations, forums, activities, debates and actions in Cancun parallel to and within COP 16, in a large global space for climate justice, remaining alert and rejecting any bad agreement that could eventually come out of these negotiations.

Holding in Cancun, parallel to COP 16, a session of the People's International Tribunal on Ecological Debt and Climate Justice draft an acusation related to climatic and environmental crimes.

Building a decentralized, multi-sectoral, horizontal, collaborative and open communications strategy in the form of a global minga to contiuously share information on initiatives, activities, reports and testimonies on actions held around the world, and positions and proposals for a real solution to climate crisis. This strategy includes both our own alternative means of communication and influencing national and international media that will be present in Cancun.

Launching a process to prepare and discuss the holding of a Global Consultation/Referendum on climate change policies.

To achieve this, we call on everyone to:

Form an International Committee, open to all networks, movements, campaigns and international organizations that work with a sense of organization, unity and solidarity and complementary to the tremendous efforts by Mexican organizations to coordinate, mobilization and deal with logistics. The International Committee will ensure that there will be pressure during and follow-up to COP 16 in Cancun, and support the decentralized mobilizations that will take place during this key moment in other parts of the world.

Set up an international working group to concretize the global communication strategy, which will be based on existing alternative communication networks and with professionals who support interventions in conventional international media.

Use the internet site of Climatic Dialogue – Mexican Space www.dialogoclimatico.org  to share information on activities and mobilizations that will take place in each country or region, register activities and self-organized events in Cancun and stay informed on logistical, organizational and programme updates for the days of activities and mobilizations in Cancun.

Signed by
 Regional Networks
 Alianza Internacional de Habitantes
 Alianza Social Continental - ASC
 Amigos de la Tierra América Latina y el Caribe - ATALC
 Campaña Mesoamericana de Justicia Climática
 Convergencia de Movimientos de Pueblos de las Américas –COMPA
 Trade Union Confederation of the Americas - TUCA
 Coordinadora Andina de Organizaciones Indígenas – CAOI
 Encuentro Sindical Nuestra América
 Jubileo Sur-Américas
 Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres - MMM
 Red Internacional de Género y Comercio IGTN

National networks and organizations

Blue Planet Project
 Common Frontiers - Canadá
 Dialogo Climático- Espacio Mexicano - México
 Ditsö- Costa Rica
 Ecologistas en Acción - España
 Fundación Solón – Bolivia
 Plataforma Boliviana frente al Cambio Climático -Bolivia
 Rede Brasileira pela Integração dos Povos – REBRIP Brasil
 Servicio Internacional Cristiano de Solidaridad con los Pueblos de América Latina, Mons. Romero" -SICSAL
 Servicios Ecuménicos de Formación Cristiana – SEFCA - Guatemala
 Solidariedade e Educação- FASE Brasil
 Unidad Ecológica Salvadoreña- UNES – El Salvador

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