Habitantes de Europa
Autorecupero e autocostruzione, dagli abitanti la reinvenzione delle politiche abitative sociali pubbliche
Venerdì 27 maggio 2011, ore 9-14h
Camera dei Deputati
, Sala Conferenze
Roma, Via del Pozzetto, 158
La camorra: questione criminale e sociale. Il denaro e il suo potere. La libertà e la sua bellezza
Manifestazione anticamorra: martedi 10 maggio 2011
ORE 16:00 partenza Piazza Capodichino SECONDIGLIANO NAPOLI NORD
4 morti in 2 settimane a Secondigliano. Riesplode la guerra di camorra.Tra il 2004 e il 2006 la guerra di camorra provocò oltre 70 morti che resero Secondigliano uno dei quartieri più pericolosi del mondo e simile a Beirut. La liberazione dalla camorra nei quartieri di Secondigliano,Scampia. Miano sia una delle priorità del prossimo Sindaco di Napoli.
How people face evictions
The UCL Institute for Human Rights invites you to
Forced Evictions and Human Rights:
Launch of a Report - and discussion of how land and housing evictions violate economic and social rights
London 5 May 2011
Registration from 5:00pm
Event starts at 5:30pm
Istanbul. Video: Canım Sulukule../My Beloved Sulukule..
This photo-reportage witnesses the last 2 and a half years of Sulukule, a gypsy neighborhood in Istanbul now completely demolished as part of an urban transformation project carried out by the Fatih municipality, during the years 2005-2010. The people of Sulukule themselves wanted to have their pictures taken and they posed for the camera desiring to have one last memento of their homeland.http://www.vimeo.com/19842109
Saint Petersburg, International Leaking Roofs Day
(Photo by Sergey Chernov)
Residents, artists and anarchists united Sunday to protest the St. Petersburg authorities’ failure to deal with housing issues by celebrating the fictitious International Leaking Roofs Day in the courtyard of a 19th-century building on Kolomenskaya Ulitsa.
Istanbul, the IMECE Forum calling attention on Urban transformation
IMECE Forum (Istanbul, March 13 2011)
The 4th
Forum of IMECE, one of the leading urban movements in Istanbul, took place at the venue of the Chamber of Architects in Karaköy, Istanbul on March 13, 2011. Reports and researches, as the 3rd
Bridge Report, were reminded to the audience, calling attention to the fact that such reports had wide repercussions.
Hungary, Zero Evictions!
Campaign Against Evictions Without Alternative Placement
In April 2011, The City is for All is launching its Zero Evictions Campaign in response to the Hungarian government’s limited renewal of the moratorium on evictions
Reino Unido, Dale Farm: “¡No pasarán!”
El Día Mundial Cero Desalojos se celebrará el próximo sábado 9 de abril en Dale Farm, Essex, junto con la Alianza Internacional de Habitantes. Líderes activistas gitanos procedentes de Alemania, España, Holanda y la antigua Yugoslavia se unirán a los residentes del lugar en las barricadas contra los desalojos de 90 familias nómadas, aprobados por el Ayuntamiento del distrito de Basildon.
Liège, réussite du Poisson d'avril pour le droit au logement
La plupart des Plans Hiver pour l'accueil des sans-abri se sont clôturés le 31 mars. Mais la précarité ne s'arrête pas automatiquement à la même date. A Liège et dans d'autres villes de la Belgique les associations de lutte contre la pauvreté ont menées de actions pour le droit au logement.
País Vasco, Kepasakonlakasa pretende censar las viviendas vacías
Kepasakonlakasa calcula que solo en San Sebastián hay cerca de 4.000 pisos deshabitados. Hacer un censo de viviendas vacías en Gipuzkoa basado en los datos facilitados por los vecinos de cada municipio es el proyecto más inmediato de la agrupación Kepasakonlakasa.