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Mathare Social Justice Center

Nombre de la organización:
Mathare Social Justice Center
Referente/s de la organización (nombre, apellido, teléfono, e-mail):
Field Coordinator: Kennedy Chindy (Jayjay): chindykenn@gmail.com +254736818798
Coordinator: Gacheke Gachihi
Administrator: Stephen Kinuthi +254714738701

Referencias geográficas:
Dirección (calle y número, codigo postal):
Juja Road, Mathare
Lengua(s) de trabajo:
Correo electrónico:
Foto/logo en formato electrónico:
Breve presentación que informe sobre historia, naturaleza y membresía, actividades:

Mathare Social Justice Center was established in February 2015. It started in response to extra-judicial killings that were happening in the community. Today they have 6 main points of action: Forced evictions and land grabbing, political accountability, participatory action research, reproductive rights, people with disabilities and promotion of arts and culture.

Quien hizo el contacto (nombre, apellido, teléfono, e-mail):
Field Coordinator: Kennedy Chindy (Jayjay): chindykenn@gmail.com +254736818798
Brice Jacquemin