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Home, work from home, school, charitable activist organisations-Food Not Bombs, Vegan Society, Anarchists

Home, work from home, school, charitable activist organisations-Food Not Bombs, Vegan Society, Anarchists
Tipología de desalojo:
Por contrastes y luchas por derechos de tierra , Por políticas de desarrollo urbano , Por las liberalizaciones del mercado inmobiliario , Por conflictos étnicos y religiosos , Por discriminaciones sociales, raciales y de género
Area geográfica:
South Africa
Nombre de la comunidad o del nucleo familiar amenazados de desalojo:
Activistcommunity, anarchist teaching community, Food Not Bombs, Johannesburg Free Market
Número estimado de personas afectadas (en cifras):
Titulación de la tenencia:
Inquilinos , Ocupantes
Caracteristicas económicas:
empleado , trabajador informal , trabajador precario , desempleado / desasalariado , mixtas
Caracteristicas sociales:
Ninguna de estas
Grupo de edad:
menores , adultos
Informaciones sobre la historia y antecedentes del caso:
Commune run on anrchist communal ethics for about 8 years, lots of activities, organisations etc...no formal contract to anyone, land-lord just collected rent.,..mnaintenanve etc done by commune dwellers, unti this year, the one commune member, anarchist teacher, left, in charge of myself and my partner, mike...two individuals who then were allowed to move in,refused our way of life, one didnt even pay rent, stole and threw out our work and other personal stuff,conspired with landlord to come and look inside our commune, not to his liking, ...the two people, myself and mike, their the longest rent-payers, who maintained and added and improved the hpouse, garden, community, and worked from home, me teaching, gardening, him playing music and operated various charity orgs like Food not Bombs and Free markets and Street kid collections etc, animal rights work, environmental work etc...suddenly given notice 9not written) with no explanation or regard, and our belongings, including animals (cats) asked to vacate the commune in a month, then in 24 hours, after I suffered an epilectic attack (some stuff got broken)- I am also on tretament for a brain tumnour (chronic meds get delivered to what used to be my safe-house and rest and work from home)No regard, no explanation...and the three forein housemates, we allowed and gave a roof to stay...not asked to move. My partner and I, our cats, work, organisation and activist and charity work all have to come to a standstill...while we now search for a place we can afford and work from, and take our friends and animals and work and activities too...this is a sad dasy for inhabitant, squatters and human rights, for me a long time environmental, animal, children, womon rights activist, teacher, writer, child-minder, animal rescuer, and also one suffering from a brain tumour...any help, legal or other appreciated...or just for the word to spread how our rights been exploited and us victimised.
Niveles de causa y responsabilidad:
Local , Nacional , Internacional
Violaciones de los articulos de la normativa internacional:
Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos , Pacto Internacional sobre los Derechos Economico, Sociales y Culturales (art. 11) , International Convention Against Torture (Art. 16) , Convención Internacional de los Derechos del Niño (art. 27) , Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women , International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families , International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (art. 5)
Razones esgrimidas para el desalojo, oficiales y no oficiales:
Non...but according to others...we were the cause of trouble!
Principales acontecimientos que ya tuvieron lugar en relación con el desalojo (fechas, año y hora):
Initial notice - 11/05/2013 - 16h00
24hr notice given - 15/05/2013 - 09h30
Final removal of personal items and furniture - 19/05/2013
Nombre de las autoridades que llevan o planean llevar a cabo el desalojo: :
Landlord - Jacques Theron
Nombre de las organizaciones involucradas, sus fortalezas y debilidad, sus enfoques del problema:
Food not Bombs; Animal rights africa, JHB Freemarket, Crimethinc Far South, Vegan Society, Anarchist teachers SA; My place womens collective, Nelson Mandela's Childrens fund (forest town school for autistic and cerebral palsied children), ALF - Opposed to eviction
Nombre de las agencias, ONGs o instituciones de apoyo que trabajan en la comunidad:
Green Beings, various Jewish, Hindu, Muslim and Catholic Charity organisations, JHB Activist community, Vegan Society, Eastwave Community Radio, SA council for drug testing (The Reddy family and other community fundraisers), various educational institutions.
Medidas tomadas o propuestas hasta el momento por la comunidad y/o las agencias u ONGs que apoyan para resistir el desalojo y/o buscar soluciones alternativas:
Lawyer's consultation, SA Human Rights commission, direct negotiations with landlord and other tenants.
Alternativas o posibles soluciones ofrecidas o propuestas por las autoridades locales o nacionales a las comunidades afectadas:
Estrategias y futuras medidas previstas o discutidas para enfrentar el caso u otros desalojos:
Whistle blowing, community action, media reporting, awareness campaigns.
Fechas previstas importantes para (precisar de qué se trata y cuando sucederá: día, mes año):
Autor (Nombre, Dirección y responsabilidad):
Direct from affected parties
Organización/organizaciones informantes:
Food not bombs, Vegan Soc, ARA, Squatters rights int. etc
Relación con AIH de las organizaciones informantes comunitarias que llevan el caso:
Parte de la Campaña Cero Desalojos
Fecha de la denuncia:
Puesta al día:
Lara Reddy

Any assistance from fellow members of the activist community, NGOs, IAI would be appreciated.
Spread the word of another illegal eviction affecting multiple parties engaged in charitable work, and a call to action for all who strive to uphold the basic human rights of all. Share with anyone who has dislocated in a similair way.