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The International Alliance of Inhabitants in solidarity with the Venezuelan People

The International Alliance of Inhabitants, a network of residents’ associations and of social, community, urban and popular movements, working for the Urban and Community Way, expresses its solidarity with the Bolivarian People as a result of the declaration of Venezuela as posing an ‘unusual and extraordinary threat’ by the United States of America and its president, Mr Obama.

As Venezuela struggles to defend its political sovereignty, with a government that aims to achieve a lasting social justice for the Venezuelan people, and as we see Yankee interference as highly intrusive, the International Alliance of Inhabitants sends its solidarity to Venezuela in the nation’s confrontation with this extremely serious state of affairs, and communicates to our Bolivarian brothers that we will take all necessary measures to demand respect for the sovereignty and self-determination of the Venezuelan people.

For a different path from capitalism, for another possible world and against imperialism!


From the World Assembly of Inhabitants (World Social Forum, Tunisia, 24-28 March 2015)


All of you are invited to send your support via:

Elizabeth Santos, Red Metropolitana de Inquilinos


Hashtag on Twitter:



Sign: http://www.obamaderogaeldecretoya.org.ve/registroLey/

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Varley Ann


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