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Solidarity with Peru - African-Latin american people's dialogue

Our vehement condemnation of these actions: we demand the immediate demilitarization of the Andean-Amazonian indigenous territories, a cessation of the policy of criminalization of the social struggle and the full respect of human rights.

We express our solidarity with the Andean-Amazonian indigenous movements and social movements from other regions struggling for just demands.

We add our voice and commitment to the demands for the immediate repeal of these presidential decrees, which are a threat to the lives of the Peruvian people.

Harare, Zimbabwe, 11th June 2009

Coordinadora Andina de Organizaciones Indígenas, CAOI – Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina
Coordinadora de Organizaciones Maya Kaqchikel para el Desarrollo Equitativo y Sostenible, COMKADES – Guatemala
Frente Indígena y Campesina San Martinico – Guatemala
Coordinadora para Asentamiento Espontáneos – International Alliance of Inhabitants – Paraguay
Frente Suramericano de Movimientos Urbanos y Rurales – Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela and Bolivia
Geledes – Instituto da Mulher Negra – Brazil
Articulación Nacional de ONGs de Mujeres Negras Brasileñas, Brazil
Grupo de Estudios Sobre América Latina, GEAL – Argentina
Asociación Nacional de Mujeres Rurales e Indígenas, ANAMURI – Chile
Unión Nacional de Campesinos de Mozambique, UNAC – Mozambique
Organización Fraternal Negra Hondureña, OFRANEH – Honduras
Movimiento de Mujeres Campesinas – Brasil
Coalition Paysanne de Madagascar – Madagascar
Zimbabwe Farmers’ Union – Zimbabwe
Lana Access Movement of South Africa, LAMOSA, South Africa
National Network of Farmers’ Groups, MVIWATA – Tanzania
Eastern and Southern African Small-Scale Farmers’ Forum, ESAFF – Zambia
Movimiento Cumbre de los Pueblos – Peru
Zimbabwe Small Holder Organic Farmers’ Forum, ZIMSOFF – Zimbabwe
National Small Holder Farmers Association of Malawi, NASFAM – Malawi
Paulo Freire Institute, Brazil
FIAN International, Germany
Zambia Land Alliance, Zambia
Trust for Community Outreach + Education, TCOE – South Africa
Dialogo de los Pueblos – Brazil
Namibian National Farmers’ Union, NNFU – Namibia
Kenya Small Scale Farmers’ Forum, KESSFFO- Kenya
Biowatch South Africa – South Africa
Grito de los Excluidos/as Mesoamericano, Mesoamérica
Youth Initiative for Democracy in Zimbabwe, Yidez – Zimbabwe
Eastern and Southern Africa Small Scale Farmers’ Forum, ESAFF – Tanzania
Zimbabwe Human Rights Association, Zimbabwe

The Volunteer translator for housing rights without frontiers of IAI who has collaborated on the translation of this text was:

Silvia Guimaraes Yafai